
Payment Options

HASC are happy to accept the following payment methods :

1. Standing order or online banking

2. Cheque

3. Voucher schemes - we currently are registered to accept payment from :

- Computershare
- Kiddivoucher
- Fideliti
- Allsave
- Edenred

We are happy to register for any eligible scheme that you may wish to use

Reservation booking

If you are already registered with Highfield After School Club and would like to apply for a regular place please click here and complete the reservation booking form. Alternatively, print out the form using the link below and drop it in to the Highfield Church Centre during an HASC session. Places are limited, therefore please apply well in advance.
If you are not registered, please click on New Enquiries
Regular booked sessions: £13.00 per session
Ad Hoc sessions (subject to space £15.00 per session
Club Plus sessions (escorting children to and from other clubs during After School Club hours: £2.00 per session


The Club may also be able to offer ad hoc sessions on certain days, however these are restricted and depend on daily ratio's. These need to be booked direct with the Play Manager, in advance.
Cost: £15.00 per day


The Committee is open to ALL Parents/carers who will be made very welcome if they wish to join our committee. Dates of future meetings and the AGM will be advertised when known.

OFSTED No. EY422768
Charitable Incorporated Organisation, CIO
Charity No. 1162623

Highfield After School Club
Hghfield Church Centre
Highfield lane
SO17 1RL

