Club Management
The club operates as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and it is the trustee committee’s responsibility to manage the business operation of the Club and support the Play Manager in the daily operation of the club.
The trustee committee meet once every half term, although extra meetings are sometimes required. It is important that committee members attend committee meetings to ensure that they are quorate and that opinions and perspectives are presented. We are the only parent-run after school club in the region and depend on parents to act as trustees on the committee. Meetings are informal and a good way of seeing all that happens behind the scenes at the After School club. Committee members get preference on spaces available for regular sessions and if a waiting list is in operation then they will go to the top of the list - Remember, this privilege is only available for committee members so PLEASE show your support by joining in. Our present Chair is Jo White and she does a stirling job but she has said that she would like to step down after being on the committee for at least 4 years, 2 years as Chair. You wouldn't be expected to do this role but would be welcomed as a general member in the first instance.
Committee members
Secretary:Kristine Haslehurst
Treasurer: Richard Pugh
Ordinary member: Kai Yang
We are ALWAYS looking for more parent committee members. Without our parent Committee the Club cannot run. Its not too arduous and doesn't take up much time. Every parent that registers a child with us does sign to say they will take a turn on the committee and it really would be appreciated if they did this. Contact the Chair or speak to any other current committee members or speak to Melody at the club and she will point you in the right direction.
Please address written correspondence to:
c/o Melody Knight,
Highfield After School Club
14th Highfield Scout Hut
Adjacent to 51 Brookvale Road,
Southampton SO17 1QS